Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | integer |
None. |
Description | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
MenuUrl | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 200 |
ContactNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 30 |
AdditionalInfo | string |
None. |
ContactEmailId | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 250 |
SchoolFeeContactEmailId | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 250 |
LinkerCustomer | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 1 |
State | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 2 |
StuNumberLength | integer |
None. |
RoutingNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 9 |
AccountNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 17 |
TaxIdNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 15 |
AchemailId | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 250 |
AchemailIdDwsf | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 250 |
HostingCustomer | boolean |
None. |
DepositFrequency | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 1 |
MaxLunchPayment | decimal number |
None. |
SubMerchantId | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
OneTimeMessage | string |
None. |
OneTimeMessageEnabled | boolean |
None. |
OneTimeMessagePersistent | boolean |
None. |
ResellerId | integer |
None. |
Inactive | boolean |
None. |
RoutingNumberDwsf | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 9 |
AccountNumberDwsf | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 17 |
CreatedBy | integer |
None. |
CreatedDt | date |
None. |
LastModifiedBy | integer |
None. |
LastModifiedDt | date |
None. |
VerifiedBy | integer |
None. |
VerifiedDt | date |
None. |
GuestParentId | integer |
None. |
ParentFee | decimal number |
None. |
AccountTypeId | integer |
None. |
AccountTypeIdDwsf | integer |
None. |
SchoolFeeAccessAllUsers | boolean |
None. |
eCheckEnabled | boolean |
None. |
AccountType | RefAccountType |
None. |
AccountTypeIdDwsfNavigation | RefAccountType |
None. |
CreatedByNavigation | ParentInformation |
None. |
LastModifiedByNavigation | ParentInformation |
None. |
VerifiedByNavigation | ParentInformation |
None. |
DirectDeposit | Collection of DirectDeposit |
None. |
DistrictFee | Collection of DistrictFee |
None. |
ParentInformation | Collection of ParentInformation |
None. |
Role | Collection of Role |
None. |
SchoolFeeAccount | Collection of SchoolFeeAccount |
None. |
SchoolFeeCategory | Collection of SchoolFeeCategory |
None. |
Site | Collection of Site |
None. |
StudentBlockEcheck | Collection of StudentBlockEcheck |
None. |
IntegrationFee | Collection of IntegrationFee |
None. |